Andy Storchenegger

Video, Sculpture, Performance, Dance, Installation

Basic profile

Andy Storcheneggerlives and works as an independent artist inZurich and St, Gallen (CH). In 2011, Andy completed a Master of Fine Arts at the École cantonale d’art (School of Art and Design) in Lausanne and has studied ceramics and polymers at the HEAD in Geneva. He has exhibited in Switzerland and abroad and was a quest lectureat the Willem de Kooning Academie in Rotterdam.Since 2009 he has been a lecturer at the Höhere Fachschule fur Ge-staltung und Kunst (Higher Technical College for Desian and Art) inSt. Gallen. His artwork deals with the collective phenomena of the idea of paradise. His research has led him several times to the SouthPacifc, South America and Africa. He is fascinated by the remaining archaic customs of island inhabitants, and the wild and primitive aspects preserved in Switzerland.