Greta Magyar , born 1991 in Gehrden, lives and works in Kiel-Germany. Now she’s a visual artist focusing on printmaking, painting, collage.Magyar’s experiences from her extensive work with biological systems in the context of collaborative projects with science gives her deep understanding of biological phenomenon.
In Greta Magyar’s work, the use of printing crafts and techniques plays a specific role: the artworks combine unusual techniques of copper intaglio printing, using everyday industrial materials such as packaging with techniques of drawing and ink painting as well as collage. However, bricolage is not her purpose. Her interest is rather in the incorporation of time into the process. She reckons with the individual steps that this process needs: elaborate technical preparations or, like collage in some cases, a laborious finishing. If one compares the large format panel painting cultivated by Magyar with the medium of printing, it is apparent how she lets herself be guided by the inherent will of the respective medium and the requirements and history of the material. She seeks the challenge of the limits of the respective medium and yet yields nothing in terms of precision where the process demands it.