Marcin Ryczek


Basic profile

Marcin Ryczek, a photographer originated from Lublin, lives and works in Cracow in Poland. Marcin Ryczek’s works have been presented at many exhibitions in Japan, USA, Germany, Holland, Romania, India, England, Austria, Denmark, ltaly, Serbia, Taiwan and France. One of the most influential American websites The HuffngtonPost has recognized his photo as one of the 5 best photos in the world in 2013. This photo “A man feeding swans in the snow” was admitted to the prestigious collection of the Bibliotheque Nationale de France and the Silesian Museum in Poland. His photos were placed in newspapers and portals from around the world (The Guardian, Der Spiegel, Yedioth Ahronoth, La Repubblica, Politiken, TheDaily Telegraph, National Geographic…).In 2017, Marcin Ryczek’sphotograph was on the cover of the book 100 Great Street Photographs – by David Gibson.