Switch off the Light

Performing Art

Basic profile

Switch off the Light is an artistic group composed of Ruggero Fran-ceschini, Angi Zhao and Ray-pei Yu, with a particular focus on site-specific performance. Ruggero, Angi and Pei come from different backgrounds, including scenography, fine art, and acting. The three theatre artists started their collaboration as Switchoffthelight in 2017, during their Master of Arts in Performance Design and Practice at Central Saint Martins in London. They create site-specific performances in the UK, Italy, Greece, Denmark, Mainland China and Taiwan, focusing on walking as an aesthetic practice, on changing the perspective on public space with the use of recycled materials, and on audience participation. They have developed a unique artistic language and practice through long-term residencies, resulting in a series of performances consolidated into a project called DERIVE.