A4 Art MuseumEvents
Exhibition EventsWorkshop Series

Hi! Artist: Font Play Workshop

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  • Artist
    Cai Binyun


In font design, a set of characters shares certain structural features and details. This workshop starts by deconstructing everyday objects, boldly breaking existing patterns to create new shapes for English letters. It explores the diverse possibilities of material usage.

We’ll use 3D material structures in the form of spray painting, integrating them into flat compositions to create a spray-painted font poster.

This Font Play Workshop starts from objects around you, encouraging participants to break free from conventional thinking. By analyzing, deconstructing, and reassembling from multiple perspectives, we’ll explore various possibilities of material usage.

Using spray painting to capture the 3D material structures into flat compositions, we’ll ultimately create a spray-painted font poster to conclude the workshop.

In font design, a set of characters shares certain structural features and details. This workshop plans to deconstruct materials from everyday objects, boldly breaking existing patterns to create new shapes for English letters.

“Hand teaches brain.”

Join us for an engaging Font Play Workshop experience ✔

Font design is a rigorous yet somewhat cold process. Letting your hands take the lead might surprise you with the possibilities you can create.

  • Guest

    Cai Binyun, Graphic Designer, Visual Artist.