A4 Art MuseumEvents
LecturesAcademic Events

World 3: Art History and Art Institutions

  • Lecturer:
    Guo Weiqi


Art institutions are universities without walls, bridging different research interests and methodologies, and building a platform for scholars and artists to exchange ideas. Publishing is a comprehensive artistic endeavor that forms an organic whole with other components. Art history is both a history and an art, and its collaboration with institutions is not just a generational task, but an optimistic attitude and aspiration. World 3 is colorful, and I am grateful to all colleagues who have worked diligently towards this ideal.

  • Guo Weiqi

    Associate Dean of the School of Art and Humanities and Director of the Department of Art History at Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, he has also served as a visiting scholar at the University of Chicago and as the Academic Director and Executive Curator of the OCAT Research Center. His representative monograph is “Suspended Cloud as a Model: A Hypothesis on Wen Zhengming and the Stylistic Norms of the Wu School in the 16th Century” (published by China Academy of Art Press in 2012). Among his representative translations is “The Shape of Time: A Brief Introduction to the Study of the History of Things” (published by the Commercial Press in 2019). He has also participated in editing the series “World 3” and will soon publish a research monograph on the imagery of fierce animals in the early 20th century.


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