A4 KidsArchive

Little Curator

2023 Little Curator

The “Little Curator” project, as an important children’s participatory exhibition project at A4 Art Museum, has established a good relationship between game and reality through diverse independent exploration, helping children become true planners of iSTART exhibitions. The “Little Curator” project focuses on cultivating “curatorial abilities” and opens up children’s thinking boundaries through social practice of creating stories and constructing spaces. The art museum fully supports game design, creating unlimited life, and participating in building the real world. The iterated small curator project presents itself with a brand new look: the exhibition hall is filled with the imaginative imagination of small curators, ranging from the design of card images to the planning of game mechanics and exhibition hall layout In 2023, the curator also participated as a mentor in the gamified design course of the rural teacher study camp, sharing their own games with rural teachers and creating new games together.

2022 Little Curator

Have you ever paid attention to stray animals around you? Have you ever thought about where stray animals come from? Have they ever had their own family and home? How do they spend their day? What difficulties do stray animals encounter in order to survive? Has anyone extended a helping hand to them? What is the best destination for stray animals
After visiting the Qiming Small Animal Protection Center where stray animals are adopted, the iSTART curator team, together with board game designers and co creators, designed this spatial board game adventure game with the theme of “stray animals” – “Great Adventure of Stray Animals”. Through this game, children hope to let more people see the real life status of stray animals and raise awareness of “cat and dog rights” and “cat and dog welfare”. Viewers can start the game by reading the game rules on the ground and experience the life of stray animals in the game.
*This project was jointly initiated by A4 Art Museum and the Animals Asia Foundation.

2021-2019 Little Curator

iSTART Children’s Art Festival has a special curator project to empower children and form a core curator team composed of children and adolescents. The project will gather children’s ideas and works through extensive research, scheme planning, content approval, PBL (project-based learning) sub theme projects, group creation, and other forms. With the assistance of the art museum team and educational institution team, the curators will plan their own art projects together.