The A4 Children’s Art Museum is a newly opened public education space of the Lu Hu · A4 Art Museum, and also the first children’s art museum established by the Contemporary Art Museum in Southwest China. The A4 Children’s Art Museum focuses on children and establishes a collaborative learning community for families and communities. The permanent space includes three main public education spaces: a children’s picture book museum, a multifunctional small theater, and a learning community. It carries out rich children, parent-child, community, and education projects, following innovative educational concepts, and providing children with an environment and opportunities for full sensory learning.

The A4 Children’s Art Museum hopes to connect and create with children around the world, whether you are an individual or a family, whether you are a school or an institution, and looks forward to working with you.

If you are interested in child friendly projects, please scan the QR code below, add “A4 Public Education Assistant – Little A” WeChat, and note “Project Cooperation” to get the latest cooperation information.